Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Examples of Entropy

1. Spending half a Saturday at laundry mat when clothes would be dirty all over again on the following Friday.
2. Children's rooms, left on their own, tend to get messy, not neat.]
3. Water flowing down a mountainside can be made to do some useful work on it's way. But once on the same level it can work no more.
4. When refrigerator was working, kept all cold air in one part of kitchen and warm air in another. Once it broke down the warm and cold air mixed into lukewarm mess.
5. When partners are too preoccupied to patch small things up, almost guaranteeing that they will fall apart.
6. Crystals and snowflakes and galaxies are islands of incredibly ordered beauty in the midst of random events.
7. Creating order in one corner of the universe always creates more disorder somewhere else.
8. Obstacles and accidents in life almost guarantee that constant collisions will bounce us on to random paths, getting us off track.
9. Disorder is the path of least resistance, the easy but not the inevitable road.
10. The more pieces in the puzzle, the harder it is to put back together once order is disturbed.

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