Monday, November 29, 2010


Freedom is not being told what or how to say what you want. Freedom is not saying what is the the right or wrong way to do something. Freedom is not having to go to work at a job you hate. Freedom is not having to obey the rules. Freedom is not holding back when you want to let go. Freedom is not paying the price you think is to high. Freedom is not walking a straight line when you want to stray. Freedom is not having to wake up when you want to sleep. Freedom is not holding your tongue when you want to talk back. Freedom is not smiling when you want to cry. Freedom is not having to move when you want to stay. Freedom is not living life abiding by laws. Freedom is not the way to survive in this world.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Examples of Entropy

1. Spending half a Saturday at laundry mat when clothes would be dirty all over again on the following Friday.
2. Children's rooms, left on their own, tend to get messy, not neat.]
3. Water flowing down a mountainside can be made to do some useful work on it's way. But once on the same level it can work no more.
4. When refrigerator was working, kept all cold air in one part of kitchen and warm air in another. Once it broke down the warm and cold air mixed into lukewarm mess.
5. When partners are too preoccupied to patch small things up, almost guaranteeing that they will fall apart.
6. Crystals and snowflakes and galaxies are islands of incredibly ordered beauty in the midst of random events.
7. Creating order in one corner of the universe always creates more disorder somewhere else.
8. Obstacles and accidents in life almost guarantee that constant collisions will bounce us on to random paths, getting us off track.
9. Disorder is the path of least resistance, the easy but not the inevitable road.
10. The more pieces in the puzzle, the harder it is to put back together once order is disturbed.

examples of bombs

1. Maddie's playmate Shannon bumped her head sledding , taken to hospital for x-ray and has brain tumor needing surgery right away.
2. Little girl who was absent for a week, when returned she wasn't living with her mother and stepfather anymore.
3. Big girl who threw up in the bathroom every morning then disappeared from school.
4. Playful, friendly custodian fired. Something to do with an angry parent.
5. A teacher's husband had a heart attack and died.
6. A boy from school, had sweet crooked grin, shot himself.
7. Best friend, beautiful girl of 16, went to sleep one night and never woke up.
8. Falling in love for first time, then learning painful lesson that love comes with no guarantee.
9. Beloved professor lost two children to leukemia.
10. The marraige she entered into with optimism ended in bitter divorce.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

My Close Friend- Alicia

Alicia has been in my life for about seven years now and she probably knows more about me than my own mother. She holds all my secrets and I know I could trust her with anything. She is the person I call anytime I need to vent or just talk with. She never judges me, even if she should she helps me to see what Im doing wrong instead of just point it out. I know she wont sugar coat things though, she will give it to me straight which is what a real friend would do. Because I know not to take offense to what she says she is only giving positive advice. In turn I do the same for her. I would say we are like soul sisters because we know what each other are thinking sometimes and we can say something to one another with just one look. I have shared happiness and sadness with her for years now and hope to share much more.