Monday, October 11, 2010

The Women In My Life

women who taught me a lesson:
-Sandy (aunt)

women who inspire me:
-Deanna (cousin)
-Julie (aunt)
-Kathy (cousin)

women who I keep in my heart:
-Debbie (mother)
-Crystal (sister)
-Joyce (grandmother)
-Marietta (grandmother)

women who are my close friends:

women who hurt me:

Monday, October 4, 2010

How cats keep clean.

Cats will spend hours licking their coats to keep clean. They have tongues that are like thier own personal hairbrushes, their tongues have backward facing spines called papillae that are about 500 micrometres long. To our skin they feel very ruff almost like sand paper. But to cats they act as the haibrush to clean and collect loose or dead hair and even out their coats. Cats will swallow their hair and once it collects in their stomach they will then regurgitate it up and you will have what is known as the hairball. So the more you brush your cat, and the less hair they have, the less you will have to clean up hairballs.

How to give a cat a bath

Experts say that cats do not need to be bathed, since they can clean themselves. But as a cat owner myself, I say if it stinks, bathe it! This is not an easy process I must warn you but from my experience it gets easier for you and your cat each time. You will need to choose the smallest bathroom you have and plan on bathing your cat in the bathtub, preferably a shower with a sliding door but if you have a shower curtain be sure to remove it hooks and all, if your cat has claws now will be a time when it will use them. Also make sure to remove anything you might have in or around your shower, your cat will grasp for anything once you have caught it and it knows your plan. You will need to cover your floor in a good size area outside the tub for when you are done you will need to place your cat on top of them and cover with another towel. Gather your cat shampoo and towels, place next to the shower where you can easily grab but out of your cats way. I would then fill up the bath tub with warm water, you will only need enough to cover your ankles if you were to stand in the tub. I use a cup as well, makes it easier to rinse as your cat will not allow you to simply dunk them. Once the water is done filling you can then go find your cat and calmly pick it up and carry it into the bathroom, close the door before you put your cat down or you will probably have to warm the water again by the time you catch your cat. You then need to get into the tub with your cat and holding firmly around the neck place your cat into the water. Now some cats will allow this much, while some will instantly freak out and you will have to do your best to restrain them to get the job done. Once your cat is wet you can then pour some cat shampoo onto their body, just one line from head to tail should do and start scrubbing at the head. Most cats will enjoy this part since they like to be scratched, just do the best your can quickly and then rinse your cat while rubbing back and forth to make sure you are getting shampoo out. When your done with that pull the plug and let water drain first then you can gently squeeze you cats hair to help rinse more. Once this is complete place the cat on the towels you have spread and cover your cat with a towel as well. Gently rub your cats body where ever and as long as they will allow you to. I would not use a blow dryer, if you want your cat to truly hate you, but you could try it if you think they will sit for it just make sure it's not on a high temperature setting. It would probably be best after all of this is completed be sure to shower your cat with whatever treats you have to gain it's trust back.